Friday, October 4, 2013

White House: 'Doesn't Really Matter' When Shutdown Ends 'We Are Winning'

by John Nolte
4 Oct 2013

In a stunning admission to the Wall Street Journal, a senior administration admitted that while veterans wait for services and children wait for cancer treatments, the White House doesn't care how long the shutdown lasts because "We are winning."

Said a senior administration official: "We are winning...It doesn't really matter to us" how long the shutdown lasts "because what matters is the end result."

Now we know why Obama is threatening to veto individual pieces of funding Republicans have offered to get those veterans their services and those children their cancer treatments through the National Institute of Health. Why budge when all you care about is winning and you believe that you are?

It is highly likely that by "winning" this senior administration official is talking about in the media.

Monday, Time's Mark Halperin informed the world that the White House feels no need to negotiate because they know the media have their back in this fight. And thus far, everything we are seeing in the biased media coverage and the Democrats refusal to budge, even for sick children, backs this up.

This quote from this official is in itself a perfect example of media bias. Thus far this stunning admission has gotten zero media traction. This is not news the media want out there.

There is a lot of blame for this shutdown to go around, no question. But the media and their bias Obama is counting on shoulder as much of the blame as anything.

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